Coke and other similar flavored colas are popular in the
United States and around the world. However, just because they have
become a staple does not mean that they are healthy. Coke contains large
amounts of sugar and caffeine, both of which cause specific reactions
in the body. Coca Cola brand cola was originally produced with cocaine.
Although the cocaine has long been removed from the bubbly beverage, it
still gets people high. The combination of sugar, phosphorus and
caffeine cause the body to embark on a roller coaster of ups and downs.
One can of Coca Cola contain 27 carbohydrates. That
translates into approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar. When you drink a
Coca Cola, the first thing that happens is that the body begins to
absorb all of that sugar. Within 20 minutes, the liver will begin to
respond to this sugar rush by turning all sugars already in the body
into fat to be used for energy at a later date. At this point blood
sugar levels are elevated and the body is producing insulin in
As the body begins to adjust to the sugar in Coca Cola, the caffeine
begins to take affect. The caffeine absorption process begins within 15
minutes of ingestion. Coca Cola Classic contains 23 mg of caffeine.
Although this is significantly less than is in the average cup of
coffee, which contains approximately 80 mg, it does have an impact on
the body. Caffeine causes blood pressure levels to rise and pupils to
dilate. Because of elevated blood pressure levels, the body will
automatically process more sugar into the liver, which turns that sugar
into fat as well.
If drinking Coke wasn't pleasant, chances are it would not
be one of the top-selling brands of soda. According to blisstree.com,
the body also increases dopamine production within 45 minutes of
ingestion, which triggers feelings of pleasure in the brain (see
Resources). At this point the body is cruising from a sugar and
caffeine rush, and feeling good due to increased dopamine. However,
caffeine has diuretic properties, and approximately an hour after
ingestion the body increases urination. Phosphorous, used to cut the
sweet flavor of coke, binds itself with calcium, magnesium and zinc, all
of which are used for healthy bones, within the small intestines. As
the diuretic properties of coke begin to take affect, the body will
eliminate all of the phosphorous, and by proxy the calcium, magnesium
and zinc. This is unfortunate, because if absorbed, those minerals would
have been beneficial for the body. In addition, the diuretic properties
cancel out the hydration associated with this beverage.
The final step in the Coca Cola roller coaster is the
impending crash. The body will actually crash twice, once from sugar and
then again from caffeine. About an hour after ingesting cola the body
will come down off the sugar. This causes feelings of sluggishness and
crankiness. Following this initial crash, the body will also begin to
come down off of caffeine (within two hours), increasing the feelings of
sluggishness and causing headaches in those sensitive to caffeine. In
addition, the feelings may make you crave another coke.
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