Narcotic drugs continue to remain a global problem that seem to worsen as the year go by. In deed it is now so common to hear stories of drugs trafficking that one even begins to wonder whether it has become a norm in our current times. Even our very leaders who are supposed to uphold the law and help fight against this menace seem to be involved in this ignominious trader.
In deed the grievousness of the drug menace to the society seems to be losing face as the years go by. However, we must realize that the drug menace and it's concomitant effects have become more serious in our current times that even in the past. Most people do not realize the indirect effects narcotic drug are imposing on their live;most are not aware of the dangers they've been placed in as a result of their usage. In the following paragraphs I will elucidate how narcotic drug usage indirectly affect the lives of non-users.

Mr. Johnson left home with his family on New Year's day to visit his mother in Gomoa Feteh. He being a teetotallar and a non-drug user, set out sober with high spirits for the day ahead. Mid-way through the journey he saw an on-coming articulated truck moving at top-speed leaving its side of the road and moving towards his(Mr Johnson) side of the road. He attempted to dodge it but due to the proximity failed and was crushed together with his family. The driver of the truck when asked about the accident reported having seen four roads ahead of him and thus became confused. Upon blood test, he tested positive for cocaine and methamphethamine. Akosua Mansah, an 8-year old primary three pupil closed from school and set for home. On her way, as she passed by an uncompleted building(which she did everyday), Kofi Anoma, a recently completed J.H.S. graduate quickly rushed out with a club and bludgeoned her to death. When asked the reasons for his actions, Kofi claimed he had no memories of the event. A quick search of Kofi by investigators revealed left-overs of weed he had used. The victims of these two events are all non-users of narcotic drugs yet they suffered the effects of its usage. What are we to learn from this?
Jael Strauss: From top model to meth addict |
We must realize that the combat against the usage of narcotic drugs should be everybody's business and not only for the security agencies. This is because the usage of these drugs lead people to commit so many horrendous crimes that affect mainly we the non-users. Many road accidents that are reported daily are as a result of drug usage. Consider a road accident involving a 'trotro' bus and an articulated truck in which all the people on-board perish and the drivers survive; most probably the drivers were under the influence of these drugs which led to the death of these noble men and women. Another case where armed robbers, in need of money to fuel their drug expenses, attack and rob people of their hard-earned belongings and may even go as far as rape and murder. All these point to the fact that sitting on the fence during this war on narcotic drug usage is definitely not the best choice to take.
What must we do then as individuals? We must make it a matter of urgency to report to our security agencies people in our neighbourhood who exhibit suspicious behaviour and exhibit queer character: they will be placed under observation and if confirmed true will be appropriately dealt with.Parents must also make sure to observe the kind of people their children move about with to ensure they are under positive influence. Passengers of public transport who realize their driver is under the influence of any drug should immediately stop the car and report the driver to the nearest police station to protect their lives.
Let's all stand hand in hand against this drug menace to protect ourselves and our families.
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